I. Haltung von Muslim*innen bei lebenserhaltenden Maßnahmen

„Attitudes of Muslims on Life-Prolonging Measures in the German Context“, in: Marie-Claire Foblets/ Hatem Elliesie (Hrsg.): Law, Islam and Anthropology, 2025, 38 Seiten.

In Germany, the estimated number of living wills is low. It can be assumed that living wills are not very common among German-based Muslims either. An Islamic-based orientation may be supportive in decision-making regarding end-of-life treatments for religiously oriented Muslims. However, there is still a lack of guidelines for a living will for Muslims in Germany, although prominent Muslim bioethicists such as Ilhan Ilkılıç have long pointed out the need for a culturally sensitive living will. Therefore, relatives often make the decision about life-prolonging measures, should the person concerned lack the capacity to give consent. Life-sustaining treatments, such as artificial respiration and resuscitation, are often requested by relatives of dying Muslim patients in the German context. Due to the required maximum therapy in futile cases, it is accepted that suffering is added to the dying. This tendency is confirmed by interlocutors in the medical field such as medical practitioners. This chapter attempts to analyse the supportive attitudes of relatives of Muslim patients towards life-prolonging interventions and aims to show that religious arguments and culturally based views are entangled. Methodologically, the religious commandments for treatment in the context of dying cited by patients and relatives are analyzed and deconstructed. They are compared with legal opinions by Muslim legal scholars on life-prolonging measures.

II. Assistierter Suizid und Pflege – Eine islamische Perspektive

„Assistierter Suizid und Pflege – Eine islamische Perspektive“, in: Marianne Rabe, Monika Bobbert, Constanze Giese, Fred Salomon: Assistierter Suizid – (k)ein Thema für die Pflege?, 2025, 12 Seiten.

III. Islamisch geprägte Medizinethik im deutschsprachigen Raum

mit Beate Anam: „Islamisch geprägte Medizinethik im deutschsprachigen Raum“, in: Handbuch der Religionen, 2025, 18 Seiten.